Monday, October 31, 2011


Hope everyone has had a awesome Halloween!

Mine was spent with friends,
Delicious food,
Fun games,
And a classic 90's movie... Hocus Pocus!

What did you do for Halloween???

The other night I discovered this awesome videos!
After watching these videos I now have a dream to spend Halloween in American,
And go all out for it!
Seriously the amount of effort and work American's put into their Halloween and Christmas decoration, they look amazing and so much fun!

Tonight I will share with you my favourite of the Halloween themed videos, 
But I also like the ones that that they do to songs like Party Rock Anthem
I love how they are so in sync with every bit of the song.


After watching the first video and the last one,
It makes me want to watch the Nightmare Before Christmas!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The weekend...

Thoughts from this weekend...

Stop worrying about the future,
Live in the moment.
Be the best that you can,
And always improve yourself.
Continue to learn.
Never settle for anything less then extraordinary.
Trust that the Lord has a plan for you.
Be thankful for the people in you life, 
No matter how short of a time they are in your life for.
Believe that your hope and dreams can come true,
Know that you are worth the very best.

This weekend was awesome,
I was good because of the small things,
And for the time to reflect.

It amazes me how quick children grow, 
My niece is gorgeous, love her to bits!

Letters in the mail make me smile from ear to ear.
What could be better then someone taking the time to write a letter to you,
Even better when it's your best friend.

Comments and advice from an amazing friend,
At the right time and straight to the point.

Fresh flowers from market
YUMMY Cake Shake!
The finished Halloween gingerbread house!

How was your weekend??

Music of the moment...

Today this song made me wanna dance,
Just at the right moment when I needed it!

Hope your all having a awesome weekend!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Weekend!!!

Thank goodness it's Friday!
Wow, today was so busy at work,
And the next two weeks are going to be just as busy!

But I am glad it's the weekend because...

I have just purchased one of Elise's Christmas mini books!
Check it out...

I also have this project to work on over the weekend for Halloween on Monday night...

Tonight me and my flat mate Lisa did a random package of goodies drop to our amazing friends Kat.
I love dropping little surprises off at people's doors!
It'll bring a smile to anyone's face!

Other plans for this weekend include...
  • Head to the markets tomorrow and buy some fresh flowers.
  • Read a letter that arrived at m parents place, which Dad is dropping off to me.
  • Organising my room... oh so over due.
  • Doing some reading, have kinda been in a funk lately and not reading, i'm have the craving to read in the sun! Fingers crossed for some good weather.

What do you have planned for your weekend??

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Call Out!!

Would you like the chance to guest blog on Girl With Curls!?


Just email me through...
  • Your list of 10 things that make you happy.
  • Photo: this is to go on the post, preferable of yourself but it doesn't have to be.
  • Your blog address.
  • Twitter details- this is so that I can promote the blog and you as well on twitter.
Email address:{At}gmail{Dot}com

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10 Simple Things!

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are all having a fantastic week!
This week is speeding by so quick for me,
Bring on the Friday!
So many things planned for the weekend! 
Can't wait!

It's now that time of the week again,

This week I would like to introduce you all to Naz from...

10 Things That Make Naz Happy!!
  1. My brothers and sisters
  2. My 4 cats
  3. Food
  4. Cute clothes
  5. Nail polish
  6. Books
  7. Food (Again!)
  8. Coffee
  9. New music
  10. Rainy days
And of course... unicorns, rainbows, puppies and all that cliche stuff.

Drop over to her's and Hera blog and say HI!!!

If you would like the chance to be featured in
 10 Simple Things!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Music of the moment...

Watch the movie 'Dear John' tonight,
It reminded me just how much I love this song!

Think Of Me by Rosi Golan


Monday, October 24, 2011

A girl can dream...

Growing up, I was never really the type of girl to plan my whole wedding.
Even in my adult years I never really gave much thought to the details of it.
The only thing that I would think when thoughts of wedding would enter my mind,
Has been, yep I want that one day, when the right guy comes along.

But since I started using Pinterest, 
I have started to enjoy looking at what may be fun to do for my wedding one day.

You may have already seen my first 'A Girl Can Dream' post,
Now here is one with some of the goodies I have found on Pinterest!

Cake with a poem- 'I Carry Your Heart' by E.E. Cummings handed piped on.

A wedding ring that slowly leaves a heart shape on your finger, if you ever forget to wear your ring, the heart gives you the peace and reminder of their love.

Loving Lace wedding dresses at the moment!

Fun wedding photos, capturing the personalities of the couple. 
I'm not a big fan of posed photos.

I can't wait to see the look on my future husband's face when he seeing me on our wedding day in my wedding dress.
I've seen it before when my cousin Lauren got married, seeing the pure happiness and love in Mark's face when he saw Lauren looking amazing in her dress was the highlight of that day for me.

Love this idea for a guest book!
The guest's finger prints are the leaves in the tree, 
And the bride and groom's finger prints go on the swing.

How pretty would a wedding reception like this be on a warm spring/summer evening!

If you haven't notice,
I'm just a tad bit addicted to Pinterest!
Come join me!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Giveaway Winners...

Thank you to everyone that entered into the sponsor giveaway!!

For those of you unlucky enough to win a free spot,
Check out the sponsor tab at the top of the blog to find out more ways to become a sponsor.

Now down to business...

Winner of the Large Ad Space 

Winner of the Medium Ad Space

Winner of the Small Ad Space

Please email me through the buttons for your blogs, at the size that you have won.
Blog buttons required by Friday 28th October
Button will be put up on the 1st November for the month.
Email to:

Don't forget to check out what type of sponsor offers are available to those who have not won, including sponsor swaps.
Any questions please email me! :) 

Pinterest Discoveries...

Oh the little treasures that you find on Pinterest!
Leave me the link to your Pinterest so that I can check out the things that you have discovered!!


Today was a interesting day.

After spending the morning studying in the sun,
Kat came over to go to yoga,
But we got distracted with a discussion and decided to skip yoga and just go for a walk.
The location we decided on was a near by beach.
When we got there we were mucking around on some play equipment...

Which ended soon after with...
Me spraining my ankle... Fail!
Should have gone to yoga, most likely would have been safer!

So my saturday night was spend at home on the couch icing my ankle.

Til I got bored.

I found these...

And decided to blow a few up...

Then a few more,
Needed a location to put the balloons,
So I decided to store them in my flat mate Lisa's room...
While she was at work...

I enlisted the help of Cinta....
She's the hand in the middle of the balloon...
We decided to have a bit of fun and hide her in the middle for when Lisa got home.

We then waited... and waited for her to get home.
45 mins later...

I had filmed her first reaction to the balloons,
But this one was better..
This was her reaction to finding Cinta....
(Sorry for the video quality)
-She tried to make me stop recording...I don't think so! I knew what was going to happen!-

Finished with Lisa and Cinta covered in balloons!

Can u spot them in the balloons?

Evening wasn't so boring after all!
Never boring living here!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sunny Morning...

Sun is shining,
Not a cloud in the sky,
Love days like this!

Laying in front of the window while I do my prep for my lesson tomorrow at Church.
Hopefully the rays of sun will give me some inspirations, as I am kinda lacking at the moment.
I feel really unprepared, and I hate that feeling!
I like to be organised and know what I am doing.

So today, this is where I can be found,
Until I head off to yoga,
If i don't have anything by then, well I at least hope that yoga will be able to clear my mind, 
So that I can come up with some form of plan for the lesson...
And i'll also try not to freak of at the fact that I am not organised at all! 

What has everyone else got planned for their weekend???

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This Halloween...

Here in Australia Halloween isn't as big as it is in American,
I wish it was, it seems like it would be a lot of fun to decorate the house, create halloween gooides, dress up and go trick or treating.

This year I really want to crave out a pumpkin.

How about you? 
What have you got planned for Halloween?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10 Simple Things!

Today is a great Wednesday, as tomorrow is a public holiday here tomorrow so now work for me! YAY
If only I had friday off as well... oh well I'll take what I can get!

This week I would like to introduce you all to Emily from Free House!

10 Things that make Emily happy!!

There are so many things in life that make me happy but if I had to narrow it down to ten it would look like this...

  1. My Husband - I feel like John has been a part of my life forever. He is my best friend. It is because of his attitude and view on life that I chose to cherish each day. He makes me a better person and more aware of the person I long to become. Plus he's smokin' hot.
  2. My Sisters - I have the most precious little sisters. Erin is 18 and Grace is 11. Laughing until we cry is a specialty of ours.
  3. My Mom and Dad - They are some of my best friends and I love being around them .
  4. Italian Food - I could eat Italian food every day. I'm not sure what it is specifically that makes me so in love. I love a good pasta sauce. Not to mention that I love the culture. Someday I'll take a trip to Italy and I'll eat all day long.
  5. Fall Weather - I live in Indiana. I know that for most people the thought of fall in Indiana doesn't exactly evoke images of great beauty. Obviously you haven't driven down a country road in the fall. The leaves are beautiful colors, the corn fields are turning a golden hue and the sky is so bright and blue you MUST wear sunglasses.
  6. Mint - I love it in tea, water, gum. Mojitos are my favorite drink and if I had a mint plant in my home I would chew on mint leaves all day long.
  7. A Really Good Book - I love authors like Jodi Picoult, Jaquelyn Mitchard, Michelle Richmond, Elizabeth Flock and Alice Seabold. They have an amazing gift for transporting you. I love staying up late at night while John is asleep and crying to a good book, dreaming of the characters who turned into my friends and wishing for a sequel.
  8. Candles - I have about 7 in my tiny apartment living room. And they all smell different. Some of them are floral and some of them smell like spices. And on occasion I will burn them all at once...
  9. Law and Order SVU - This is the only show that I can watch all day long. I will watch re-run after re-run.
  10. Inspirational Quote Books - John and I love to window shop at a store called Z Gallery. They have a great section with coffee table books. Alot of these books have inspirational quotes. I would buy all of them if I could. Instead I just buy one at a time. One of my favorite quotes from my favorite book is the following...
Normal Day, let me be aware of the treasure that you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in the quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow."
- Mary Jean Irion
So go enjoy YOUR favorite 10 Things. Go enjoy your normal day and make it the best day yet.
Thanks for letting me share, Jess!

If you would like the chance to be featured in
 10 Simple Things!

Don't Forget:
This week's giveaway!!!
Be A Sponsor for free for the month of November!
3 winner will be chosen!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Heat & Sweat!

This evening Kat and I tried hot yoga for the first time.
Kat had done a little bit of yoga ages ago,
But I had never done any type of yoga before.

The class was a mini Bikram yoga (Fit Hot),
The room was 33 degrees hot, and the class went for 60 mins.
Normal Bikram yoga is 38/40 degrees and goes for 90 mins.

When I first started to go my Chiropractor,
He told me that I have a lot of muscular strength but no flexibility.
I was like 'yeah yeah whatever.'
But then doing yoga tonight made me realise just how right he was!
Now bad my flexibility is and how much I really need to improve it!

Doing yoga in the 33 degree heat was good,
Sweat pours off you.
Heat rate is increased but is still relaxing.
I found it hard to remember to breathe through out the moves.
But as I get to know the moves hopefully the breathing will improve.

I find yoga to be very relaxing as well,
Helps to clear the mind.
Due to a bad back and knees I not able to run at the moment,
Running used to be my way of de-stressing and clearing my head.
Now it's going to be yoga.

Walking out of the room you feel so sweaty,
Sure in a way it is really gross,
But I felt like I had really achieved something,
I felt relaxed and energised.
In a way feeling so sweaty felt great,
And the shower when I got home was amazing!

Try it!
Stick with it for a few sessions,
Drink lots of water during the day leading up to it.
Take 1-2 big towel and one hand towel.
Focus on yourself and what your body is able to do,
Don't focus on the super fit people, they have been doing it for ages!
Relax, clear your mind, enjoy yourself!
Trust me you will love it!


Lately I have been trying to change things,
Make my life better,
And to make myself happier.
It's not easy, far from it.
The changes that I want to make are not small.
But they are worth it in the long run.
I just have to keep in mind the end goal,
I have to keep myself focused.

Today was a low day,
Tomorrow will be better.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend in review...

Straight after work I had a date with my Chiropractor, things are going well between us, it's still a love hate relationship but we are slowly working out the problems.
In all seriousness, I am now fully converted to using a Chiro, at first I didn't think that he could actually make a difference with my back, BUT! I was wrong, my back is nearly back to what is normal for me, I will never be totally pain free, back he has nearly gotten it back to what I can normally ignore.

After Chiro I met up with Kat and we picked up Chelsea and headed off to a BBQ with friends, oh how I love BBQ's and it means that summer is nearly upon us YAY, many more BBQ's to be had!
After the yummy dinner we moved locations on to Kat's place, where she had turned her lounge room in to a amazing cinema. Where we all watched 'The Zoo Keeper'. It was a alright movie.

Awesome day, good food and drinks, Salamanca markets, window shopping, fresh flowers, relaxing evening and baking and fun times.

After struggling all week with a chest virus (lots of painful coughing) I spent most of the day sleeping, trying to get energy back and to get over this stupid thing! I have a feeling it is going to take a while to shake the cough.
Then we had the missionaries over for dinner, followed by some good and interesting conversations with friends. We then all moved location to go and meet up with more friends at Ness's house for a games night.
And to finish off the weekend, I'm currently laying in bed, about to go to sleep and listening to the rain...perfect way to fall alseep.

All up... it was a awesome weekend!! Looking forwards to this week as I only have to work a 4 day week as we have a public holiday here on Thursday! YAY!!

What did everyone get up to with their weekends?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Miss Representation...

Take action, help to empower women to realise their full potential.
That they are more then just their looks!
They are smart and can change the world!

Thanks to one of my facebook friends for sharing this amazing documentary
If you like the video then check out the website! 

Friday, October 14, 2011


At the moment I am determined to make some changes in my life.
One of which is what I eat.
I want to be more healthier.
And to also to get into the habit of taking my lunch to work.
Here is what I have for dinner tonight and prepared for lunch tomorrow....

Anyone have any suggestions for healthy snacks??

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10 Simple Things!

This week I would like to introduce you all to...

Both me and Erin share a common love for books, quotes and jigsaw puzzles.
So of course as soon as I read her list I fell in love with it and had to share it with you!

10 Things That Make Erin Happy!!!
  1. An unexpected smile or kind words from a stranger.
  2. Snail mail, especially fun cards and with lots o stickers.
  3. Animals, both friendly pets and wild animals at the zoo.
  4. Writing posts for my blog and following other blogs.
  5. Devouring an entire bag of dark chocolate.
  6. Uncontrollable and contagious laughing.
  7. Starting a new book or picking up an old favourite.
  8. Rainy days, storm clouds, lightening, and thunder.
  9. Driving with the windows down and music blaring.
  10. Flowers, whether as a gift or picked from my own garden.

If you would like the chance to be featured in
 10 Simple Things!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blog Celebration Giveaway!!

In celebration of m new look blog I have decided to hold a giveaway!!

The prize...
3 Sponsor Ad Spot for 1 month!!

1st winner will receive a Large Ad spot
2nd winner will receive a Medium Ad spot
3rd winner will receive a Small Ad spot

Along with the win comes the perks of the Ad spot!

So what do you have to do to enter??

Be a follower of Girl with Curls!

Bonus Entries:
  • Be a follower of C.Jae
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Re-Blog about the giveaway!

Conditions of entry:
*One comment per entry
*Open to everyone!
*Winners drawn by random number generator.
*Giveaway ends: Saturday 22nd October 2011 @ Midnight.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Girl With Curls!!!

Welcome the fresh new look to my blog!
New name and all!
Still the blog that you all know,
Just developing myself as a blogger!

Thanks to some amazing talented girls I have been able to bring my idea together.
So let me now introduce you to the creating team behind this new look!

First of all...

I meet Eleanor back in 2009, she is such a talented artist and I love her work. One of her piece of artwork which I have in my room was a huge part of the inspiration for my header drawing.
Thank to her great work on this project!
Check out her blog 'Lady Proteus' or her facebook page!
Christa is my amazing blog designer.
She put my ideas together and formed it into the finished product!
Her talent for designing is awesome!
It was great to work with her and I look forward to working with her again in the future!
Check out her blog C.JAE!

I highly recommend both of these lady to any one that wanted their blog worked on!
They are super talented and awesome to work with!

So what do you all think? Like it??

Check back tomorrow for a 
awesome GIVEAWAY 
to celebrate the launch of my new look blog!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Heart...

We Heart It

The weekend is here finally!
I have been looking forward to this one,
Lots to do and to be done.
A Spiritually uplifting weekend,
A weekend of friends and family.
Laughter and memories!


What have you got planned for your weekend???

Friday, October 7, 2011

There is something coming!!

I have something new and exciting coming!
And I can not wait to show it to you all!
Still a few things to tweak,
And the it will be ready to share!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10 Simple Things...

Well after a 12 & a 1/2 hour day at work, 
I am glad to see the end of Wednesday.
On the home run for the weekend now!
And I can't for the weekend!
I have a very busy, but very uplifting weekend planned.

This week I would like to introduce you all to Yvonne from Half Past Wonderful!

10 Things That Make Yvonne Happy!!!

  1. My puppy dog!
  2. My friends, family & boyfriend.
  3. Horses. I love those giant beasts.
  4. Also dolphins, dogs & really every animal.
  5. Taking & editing photos for a really great session.
  6. Volkswagen Beetles. Especially the new 2012 Beetles. I'm in love!
  7. Working out & the clothes that go with it. So much goodness in one!
  8. A good book & a good cup of tea. These thing go together amazingly well.
  9. Autumn. It's my most favourite season ever & I wish it stayed this weather always!
  10. Really good restaurants. Something about a perfect meal someone else cooks for you.
Thanks Yvonne for the great list!

If you would like the chance to be featured in
 10 Simple Things!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We Love them & They Love Us...

After the first attempt last night to see "The Help" failed,
Lisa and I were finally able to go and watch it tonight and...

I love this movie.
I loved it so much that I cried!

This movie is set in the 1960's
It's about a write who wants to write a book from the view of the help.
In this time in the world the help were African American maids.
Who had less rights in all areas of life then the white people.
Even though they were they ones that were raising the white people's child.

It is such a moving movie,
Heart felt, and such a strong story behind it.

The movie was amazing!
And my sister tells me that the book is even better!
I know which book I'm buying next.

My favourite quote from the movie was...
"You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important."

Check out the movie, I promise you will love it!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Music Monday...

This Week's Song is...
No Regrets by Dappy

The lyrics is the reason why i LOVE this song!
Especially the chorus.

Live with no regrets!
It is never too late to change your life,
To make it better,
To be a better person.
Be proud of your life!
Do you best!
Be true to yourself!
Stay true to your faith!

Here is the chorus...

“So when you feel like there’s no more nothing left but the life you’ve broken.”
No regrets.. No turning back.. 
Pick up yourself and tell them I’m just being me…
‘Cos when I look in a mirror…
I don’t even recognize myself,
Got the heart of a winner… 
but looking back at me is someone else.No Regrets, No Regrets,
No point in crying over yesterday
No Regrets, No Regrets,
‘Cos we ain’t even seen the best of days

Listen to the lyrics,
Hope you like this song too!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Another Month....

We Heart It
Wow, I am amazed by how time has flied this year! Can't believe that it's October already!
But I am glad, because it means that the weather is finally going to warm up! Sun I have missed you!

This month is going to be awesome! I can feel it!
Things are being planned, ideas are coming to life!
This month I have so many things which I wish to achieve!
My idea is to share them with you and them report back to you on all of the with my progress through out the month, and *Fingers Crossed* have them all finished by the end of the month!

Here is the list:
*Read 3 books: Been in a bit of a reading rut lately and need to get back into reading!
*Fill up the rest of my journal! I have never fully filled a journal before, but this time I am determined to fill it to the brim.
*Yoga!! My Chiropractor keeps telling me that I have a lot of strength in my body but no flexibility, hence the problems with my whole body, so me and Kat are going to start doing Bikram Yoga!
*Celebrate Halloween! Here is Australia we don't really do anything for Halloween, not like they do over in America. But this year me and my friends are planning our Halloween celebrations as a home-made drive in scary movie!!
*Bike: Two days after I brought my awesome new workout bike, I hurt my back and since haven't been able to use it, but thanks to my amazing Chiropractor I will now be useing it 4 times a week min!
*Eat better & Drink more water! Over the last few weeks I have been naughty, but this month I aim to improve that!
*Project Zero: I am going to mark off as many things off my list as possible over this coming month!
*Take more photos! 
*Have fun & Smile more!

See October is going to be a awesome month!

What do you want to achieve this month??

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Life of Learning...

It's interesting when you take the time to slow down in life,
And take the time to notice the simple things in life.
To notice the small wonders of this life,
And the new things that you learn every day.

This week I have learnt...
  • My Chiropractor's habbit is swing dancing. 
  • My boss has a amazing 80's dress, puffy sleeves & all.
  • There are still young gentlemen out in society, with manners & are polite.
  • Driving around town at 30kms per hour, so not to spill a hot chocolate is incredibly hilarious.
  • Stress is evil! It's not good on anyone! It has a bad effect on your body, mind and those around you too.
  • 72 Hours pack is something that I need to put together. They are a must to have in case of a emergency.
  • Stretching is great! Feels amazing. I need to become more flexible!
  • Giving service is very satisfying.
  • Watch a AFL grand final, you can't but get caught up in it, even when you know nothing about the game or go for any team.
  • No matter what is happening in you life, no matter how bad, smiling will always make it better!
  • Gilmore Girls is amazing, I love everything about it! (Relearned!)

What is something that you have learnt this week?