Sunday, October 23, 2011


Today was a interesting day.

After spending the morning studying in the sun,
Kat came over to go to yoga,
But we got distracted with a discussion and decided to skip yoga and just go for a walk.
The location we decided on was a near by beach.
When we got there we were mucking around on some play equipment...

Which ended soon after with...
Me spraining my ankle... Fail!
Should have gone to yoga, most likely would have been safer!

So my saturday night was spend at home on the couch icing my ankle.

Til I got bored.

I found these...

And decided to blow a few up...

Then a few more,
Needed a location to put the balloons,
So I decided to store them in my flat mate Lisa's room...
While she was at work...

I enlisted the help of Cinta....
She's the hand in the middle of the balloon...
We decided to have a bit of fun and hide her in the middle for when Lisa got home.

We then waited... and waited for her to get home.
45 mins later...

I had filmed her first reaction to the balloons,
But this one was better..
This was her reaction to finding Cinta....
(Sorry for the video quality)
-She tried to make me stop recording...I don't think so! I knew what was going to happen!-

Finished with Lisa and Cinta covered in balloons!

Can u spot them in the balloons?

Evening wasn't so boring after all!
Never boring living here!


L!$@ said...

Ha ha you definitely got me!!

Ryan Adair said...

Such a cute and happy post! Sorry about the ankle! Bummer! but the balloons are fun! I am in need of some balloon fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm no doctor but shouldn't you have been keeping off your sprained ankle instead of filling a room full of balloons? Just saying, lol. But the balloon idea is fun. I might have to do that to my fiance one of these days. Get better!!!!

Maz said...

Oh no, your ankle!!!! Hope it heals soon xoxox. Looks like fun with the balloons hehe.

Brit said...

Hope you feel better. I have done the balloons in a room thing before too! Good times :)