Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Heat & Sweat!

This evening Kat and I tried hot yoga for the first time.
Kat had done a little bit of yoga ages ago,
But I had never done any type of yoga before.

The class was a mini Bikram yoga (Fit Hot),
The room was 33 degrees hot, and the class went for 60 mins.
Normal Bikram yoga is 38/40 degrees and goes for 90 mins.

When I first started to go my Chiropractor,
He told me that I have a lot of muscular strength but no flexibility.
I was like 'yeah yeah whatever.'
But then doing yoga tonight made me realise just how right he was!
Now bad my flexibility is and how much I really need to improve it!

Doing yoga in the 33 degree heat was good,
Sweat pours off you.
Heat rate is increased but is still relaxing.
I found it hard to remember to breathe through out the moves.
But as I get to know the moves hopefully the breathing will improve.

I find yoga to be very relaxing as well,
Helps to clear the mind.
Due to a bad back and knees I not able to run at the moment,
Running used to be my way of de-stressing and clearing my head.
Now it's going to be yoga.

Walking out of the room you feel so sweaty,
Sure in a way it is really gross,
But I felt like I had really achieved something,
I felt relaxed and energised.
In a way feeling so sweaty felt great,
And the shower when I got home was amazing!

Try it!
Stick with it for a few sessions,
Drink lots of water during the day leading up to it.
Take 1-2 big towel and one hand towel.
Focus on yourself and what your body is able to do,
Don't focus on the super fit people, they have been doing it for ages!
Relax, clear your mind, enjoy yourself!
Trust me you will love it!

1 comment:

Bridey said...

I've only tried bikram a couple of times, the first class I spent most of the time lying down so I didn't pass out/throw up, but the second class I loved.

PS The new blog look is great!