Monday, April 30, 2012

Giveaway Winner....

Time to announce the Shine giveaway winners..

Shine pack winner...

Runner ups...
*Melissa K.
*Sara Rose

Terms and conditions:
Winners are required to email their postal address.
Shine Pack winner to email me their post address plus the style of necklace and t-shirt, and t-shirt size.
All emails to be sent through by the 4th April.

If no email is received by the 5th April, prize will be redrawn and a new winner drawn.

Email address:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Turn Up The Music!!

Loving songs that make up want to dance,
To turn the music up loud,
Drown out the world,
and just dance!

This is one of the songs that make me want to do that.

What songs make you want to dance at the moment??

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lest We Forget...

Today we remember those who have served our country,
And those who are currently serving.

Today we remember the sacrifice that they have all made to protect our nation,
So that we are able to enjoy the peace and freedom that we have today.
We also remember the sacrifices that their families and friends have made.

We remember those that have been injuryed, or that have lost their lives.

We thank each and every one of them.
And we pray for those that are currently serving.
May God be with you and keep you safe and out of harms way.

They went with songs to battle,
They were young.
Straight of limb,
True of eyes,
Steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, 
As we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Lest We Forget.

-Laurence Binyon, 'For The Fallen'-

Thank you for your service and sacrifice,
We will remember you.
Lest We Forget.

Quote Of The Moment...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Quote Of The Moment...

This is something that I want to strive for.
I strive to achieve this in life.

I have decided to change the way I blog a bit,
I know that with my blogging I am very reserved,
I bite my tongue a lot cause I think that no one would want to hear what I say.
But I have a voice, and I have a opinion. 
So from now on, I am going to learn how to voice that.
Each and every one of us is entitled to their own voice and opinion.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Believe in America!!!

2012 is going to be a big year for America
They have a important decision to make.
They have a opportunity to make a difference to their future!

America... it's time for a change...
Vote for Mitt Romney
Believe in America!!

More importantly, who ever you vote for,
Be it Obama or Romney,
The most important thing is....

Monday, April 16, 2012

Wake Up!! Rise and Shine!!

Tomorrow morning I am heading to Melbourne for the week.
Half of the trip is for work,
The other half for shopping and the temple and fun!
I can't wait.

But first I have to get up SUPER early for a 'red eye' flight... my flight leaves at 6am
One of my biggest fears when catching this flight is that I may over sleep and miss it.
So I always have a million and one alarms set.
First one going off at 3:15am.
Cause I have to be ready in time for the taxi at 4:30am.
I am going to be so tired by tomorrow night,
I head straight to work as soon as I land,
And I'll be busy at work til 5:30pm, then I get to walk a block and check in to my hotel.
Lucky i'm staying in the city centre, and in a nice hotel!

Stay tune to twitter (@jess_barnes) or instagram (@jess_barnes22)
I'll post lots of photos of the hotel room and other fun things from Melbourne.

BTW... General Conference this weekend was AMAZING!!!
Loved each and everyone of the inspired speakers!
And the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing 'Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing' was so powerful!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Music Of The Moment...

After watching the new Footloose the during the easter break,
I have had these two songs in my head, and playing on repeat on my iPhone...

It's weird... I have the urge to dance like a country girl!

And can't leave out the famous (new version) of the song Footloose!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Goodbye One Tree Hill...

One Tree Hill
How I have loved you.
You have been apart of my life for quiet some time now.
Your music and quotes has made a great effect on my life.
You are up there in my top TV shows, right next to Gilmore Girls.
You will be missed.
Thank you again!

Now let me share with you my two most favourite quotes from the whole TV series.
They are very similar, but different at the same time.


Peyton: Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want. Everything you want.
Lucas: Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from, the next smile. The next wish come true.

Peyton: But if you believe that it is right around the corner. And you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it. To the certainty of it.
Brooke: You just might get the thing you're wishing for.
Nathan: The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it?
Haley: Good. Now believe in it. With all your heart. 
(One Tree Hill: Season 5 Episode 13)

*Please note this is a bit of a spoiler clip so only watch this if you have seen the last episode of don't mind watching a spoiler.*

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Little Letters....


Dear Easter weekend,
Even though you started off with a big change of plans, it has been a productive one, sorting things that needed to be sorted for quiet sometime.

Dear Foot,
Please be on your best behaviour from now on, back to the doctor tomorrow and I really don't want him to put you in a plaster cast.

Dear Fujifilm Instax mini 7S,
I love you, so glad I decided to buy you! Now I'm excited to take photos with you! Thank you Lauren for you advice!!
P.S. If anyone has any blogs that take Polaroid often I would love to check them out!

Dear Conference,
You are this weekend here for us in Australia, I have already seen a few of the quotes that have come out of conference so far, and I have a feeling that this conference is going to be amazing!! My favourite time of the year, can't wait to listen to some inspirational speakers.

Dear Postman,
Please, pretty please can you deliver my package this week that contains my branch new smash book!! I'm over waiting! You should know by now that I'm not the most patient person!!

Dear Sunny Day,
Please stay, I have lots of washing that needs to get dry, Plus it's a great way to end my easter break!

Dear Me,
I know that over the past few days you have had the urgent to take a trip, hibernate, or do a disappearing act, but don't just stay still, relax, take sometime for yourself and have fun, you only live once! Don't stuff it up!

Monday, April 9, 2012


I have decided that I have two goals for the next two months.
I want to learn to enjoy cooking and being craft more.

So the goals...

Find the time at least once a week to cook at least two dishes.
I don't really take the time to enjoy cooking any more.
But tonight I realised that I do still enjoying it after spending the evening cooking.

Some inspiration, thanks Pinterest.
Here are some ideas...

Create as much as possible.
Tick off as many of the ideas on this list as possible
And of course add to the inspiration list.

Can't wait to get creative!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wish List... Advice needed!

I have found another thing to add to my wish list...

But I have a problem...

I can't chose between the two options...

I need your help and advice

Which one is better??


Fujifilm Instax mini 25 or 7S

Can anyone give me advice or their opinions on these cameras?
Does anyone know the pros and cons better the cameras?
Does anyone own one of these?

Any feed back would be great!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Shine Giveaway...

Would you like to win all three?

Check out the different varieties you can chose from here

One lucky person will win all three things!

But you have to be in it to win it!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Project Life...

My lastest want!

For the past two and a 1/2 years I have been following Elise Blasha blog,
(Love her blog to bits!)

This year she has joined in the rage of a new project called Project Life
I think Project Life is awesome.
And now I really want to do this one too!
It's a great way to keep record of your every day life.

Here are some of my favourite from Elise's project...

Check out all the different designs and kits you can get for Project Life!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Giveaway Time!!!


In the dictionary, Shine is defined as:
1. to give forth or glow with light
2. to be bright with reflected light; glisten; sparkle.
3. to appear with brightness or clearness.
4. to excel
-Text from The Shine Project

Time for a giveaway!
This month I have an awesome giveaway for you all!

Since about August last year I have been following Ashley's blog The Shine Project
I have been following all the work she does for this project and love all that she does.

I love that she wants to make the world a better place and is being proactive in doing that.
So I decided I was going to help out with the cause.

In this giveaway we are going to have...
6 lucky winners!!!

First Prize:
A Shine pack which include:
 1 Shine Band
1 Shine necklace
1 Shine Tshirt.
This winner will be picked at random, so the more entries you have the more chance of winning!
(different designs available)

The 5 runners up will win a Shine band each.
To entry this you need to leave me a comment
Tell me about something you want to achieve this year which is going to be hard for you, something that is going to get you out of your comfort zone.
These winners will be chosen by myself.

Plenty of ways to enter!!
Giveaway open to all international entries

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Back In My Day...

Growing up I always used to hear older people say "Back in my day"
And today I said those words.

When I saw this photo, those words escaped my mouth,
But it is so true,
When I was younger, and the generations before me,
Would be outside so much more then kids these days.
We used to get up to all sorts of fun in the backyard.

Kids these days need to get off the computers, turn off the television
And get outside, use their imaginations and have fun.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Death By Chocolate...

It has now been 41 days since I have eaten chocolate...
All up it will be 46 day by the end...
And the end is finally in sight!!
This Sunday- Easter Sunday will be the first day I can have chocolate!

It will be the day that I will get to my first easter egg for the year!
I am actually been quiet surprise to how easy it has been to give up chocolate for the past 6 weeks.
I have not been very tempted at all to eat chocolate.

The weird thing that has happened to me single giving up chocolate is that I have been having dreams where I have been eating chocolate,
And in the dream I have felt really bad for eating chocolate, this feeling has continued even when I have woken up...
I don't like those dreams at all!

Even though the temptation to eat chocolate has been low,
That hasn't stopped me from drooling over some delicious looking dishes on Pinterest...

Here are some of my favourite that I can not wait to try...
Chocolate Chip Cookie n' Oreo Fudge Brownie Bars 
Chocolate covered Brownie Ice Cream Sandwich
Chocolate Malt ice cream cake
Hot Chocolate
Brownie n' Berries dessert pizza
Brownie batter poured over oreos arranged over cookie dough.
To check out the other yummy goodies I have been check out come visit me on Pinterest!