Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wish List!

If only money grew on tree...
All of these would be mine

Field notes:
Thanks to Oh, Mishka for sharing this product
I now wish that i had one of every colour!

Elise Joy
I love Elise's tutorials on her summer mini books
I really want to do one of these this summer.

Oh, how I have fallen in love with this store!
I seriously would buy the whole store if I could afford.
But at the moment, this is my top favourite.

Book Depository
Kelsie over at Thoughts from the girl next door has made my love for E.E. Cummings grow.
Kelsie has a passion for literature, and has made me love the classics more!

More Than Words
Another one of my current love is Lisa Long's amazing art work!
There are a couple of her work that I want, 
But this is my current favourite!

Wonderland Room
 My latest discovery on Esty
Absolutely LOVE this!!!

Wonderland Room
Another awesome find from Esty.

Wonderland Room

Oh and another one from Esty.
Wonderland Room has fast become one of my favourite sellers on Esty at the moment.

So many items, but this is the current wish list!
Hope you like them too!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Email Intervention...

I've made the switch...

Just so everyone knows, 
My email address has changed, it's now...


*Please note*
The top video was so me, 
my hotmail one had so much junk email coming through, 
It was one that i created when i was about 12, 
so it was time for me to update!
So far I am really liking Gmail.

Friday, July 29, 2011

1 Week left!!!!

My giveaway has only one week left

Check out Lisa's Bearbumz Blog and Facebook album for new awesome products
I already have a few picked out for my nieces and nephews
My niece loves her stuffed giraffe toy, and looks gorgeous in her birdie dress

I love her bags, and have one just like the one on offer in the giveaway.
It's a awesome bag and wouldn't be without it!

It is simple to enter...

Entries close midnight Friday 5th August.

Quote of the moment...

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this horror. I can take the next things that comes along." You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

-Eleanor Roosevelt.

Thursday, July 28, 2011



I know that Wednesday is normally the night that I do a 10 Simple Things post,
But tonight I do have to apologise
This week we are going to need to have break for a week,
Right now all I want to do is curl up and dose myself up on drug and sleep.

I hate being sick!

10 Simple Things will be back next week... PROMISE!

Hope everyone has a fantastic day 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wanna be a lucky winner??

My awesome flat mate is holding her very first giveaway!
Check out Lisa's blog to find out how you can win one a awesome print like this one...
Can You Hear Me?

Don't forget you to entry my current giveaway for this awesome bag from Lisa @ Bearbumz!
I have one just like it and Love it to bits! It goes everywhere with me!

Remember gotta be in it to win it!
Head over to Bearbumz to check out Lisa's new stock!
For those outside of Tasmania that would like to purchase from Bearbumz
You can contact her through her blog!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Music Monday!

This week's song is:
Jet Lag by Simple Plan ft. Natasha Bedingfield

Simple Plan has recently released a new album called 'Get Your Heart On!'
So far I am liking their new album.
This song is my current favourite...

Check out their new album,
Let me know which song is your favourite!

Simple Plan

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Break in the silence...

This week has been crazy busy!
This was my first week back at work from having two weeks off!
And let's just say it wasn't very productive!
It was very hard trying to get out of 'holiday mode' this week at work,
Let's just hope this week I have more success!

Not only has my productivity at work been poor this week,
But it has also been lame this past week on my blog
For this I am sorry,
Try to be better this week!

Oh I have so much to feel you all in on!
But not right now as it is late, and I have an early start!

But I would like to leave you with a awesome video!
Today at church in relief society Chelsea shared with us a amazing video,
I wanted to share it with you with a hope that it touches you as much as it did me.

I am so grateful for the people in my life, 
No matter how small of a role they may think that they play in my life,
They should all know that if they didn't play that small or large part in my life,
And have the effect on me, and the examples that they are to me,
I would not be the person I am today.
And I love each and every one of them,
For every single thing they do for me.

Hope everyone had a great weekend,
And have the best start possible to your new week!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Music Monday!

This week's song is...
Set fire to the rain by Adele

Adele's new album '21' has become one of my favourite albums, and she has entered my list of favourite artisit.
I love her voice, and her song have so much meaning behind them.
There are so many songs off this album that I love. 
I also really enjoy her previous album '19'
Can't wait to see what she come out with on her future albums!


Friday, July 15, 2011


To celebrate reaching 100 followers
I have a awesome giveaway for you all...

Couple of months ago I won a giveaway on my friend Lisa's blog- Bearbumz.
She is super talented with a sawing machine, and creates some gorgeous items.
I won a awesome bag,
And I am now addicted to it
It fits so much and doesn't feel heavy at all

I now want to share just how awesome these bags with a lucky person.
Time for the details:

Giveaway will run until Midnight 5th August.
Winner will be announced on 6th August.

Giveaway is open to everyone, anywhere!

To Enter this giveaway... 
Become a follower

For bonus entries:
-Follow Lisa's blog- Bearbumz
-Follow me on Twitter (@Jess_barnes)
-Share the giveaway- re-blog, tweet or facebook it. (add link to comment)

Leave one comment per entry.

Good Luck!

Quote of the day...


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

10 Simple Things!

This week I would like to introduce to you all a good friends of mine, Maz.

Pop over to her photography blog and say hi!

10 Things that make Maz happy!!
  1. Autumn leaves: I've always loved autumn, possibly because that's when my birthday is, but definately because of the leaves! They change to various shades of red, yellow and brown, and then fall to the ground and serve as decoration. Plus they're fun to play with!
  2. Bright colours: Pretty safe to say I'm a very colour-responsive person and feel happier and more cheerful surrounded by bright colours.
  3. Hugs: People who know me well know that I'm a hugger! Timelessly classic way of showing affection to those who are important to me.
  4. Sprinkles (aka 100's & 1000's): Probably relates to the bright colours, but I love sprinkles! Which is why I love fairy bread. If you have not experienced fairy bread you are missing out.
  5. Foreign Languages: I've always been fascinated by different languages, and how someone could be thinking the same thing in entirely different words and sounds in their head. Bilingual people fascinate me. I've studied Japanese since grade 5 and majored in it at uni, though I still dream of being fluent one day. I love learning words and phrases in other languages or even just learning to read it out loud and pronounce it. Probably one reason I loved serving in the Temple Square Mission too.
  6. Purring: I don't know how anyone could resist a purring cat. It's a relaxing sound, and makes it feel like all is right in the world.
  7. Funky Stationary: Places like Smiggle, Typo and Kikki.K that sell funky stationary are some of my favourite places to shop. Something about taking something so ordinary and basic and making it exciting 
  8. Rainbows: I always get excited when I see a really good rainbow. Goes back to that bright colours thing again.
  9. The Milky Way: galaxy that is, the chocolate bars aren't all that exciting. I love star-gazing, and the Milky Way is clearly visible from my beautiful home of Tasmania. I used to stop, look up and just take it in for a few seconds when I got home at night.
  10. Westlife: seriously, something about the collective sound of their voices just makes me feel so good. Would love to hear them live one day. Hayley Westenra is another voice that hits the spot, if I'm feeling rotten I'll put on her music and it always makes things right again. Her voice is just so clear and pleasant.

If you would like the chance to take part in 10 Simple Things!
Click on the button below for more details!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011



Today I reached 100 followers!

Thank you to all of you that follow my blog!
Thank you to everyone who takes the time out of their busy day to read my posts!
I am grateful for every single one of you!

Thank you to all those awesome people who leave me comments! 
They brighten my day, and put a smile one my face!
I love hearing feed back from my post.

Thank you to every one of you that blog!
You are my inspiration,
By reading your blogs you encourage me to continue with mine.
Thank you to the bloggers that give advise,
You make me want to improve my blog!

Each one of you are super talented!
I have loved getting to know some of you 
And look forward to getting to know more of you!
And I look forward to what the future has install for me and my blog!

Thank You!

To celebrate reaching 100 followers I am going to be holding a giveaway, 
Stay tune... more information later in the week!

Music Monday!

This week's song is...
Party on the Floor by DJ Earworm

Sorry for the delay with this post, time got away from me, but holidays are going great!
DJ Earworm is a awesome DJ and has a talent of putting together songs to make a great dance mix.
Check out his new one...

Friday, July 8, 2011

10 Simple Things!

Would you like the chance to guest blog on Life... Live It!?

For the chance to be featured as a 10 Simple Things guest blogger

Just email me through...

       -Your list of 10 things that make you happy.
       -Photo: this is to go on the post, preferable of
        yourself but it doesn't have to be.
       -Your blog address.
       -Twitter details- this is so that I can promote
         the blog and you as well on twitter.

Any questions please feel free to email me:

To be up to date with who is featured each week follow me on Twitter: @jess_barnes

Feel free to take the '10 Simple Things' button on the right hand side.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Perfect place to be...

LDS Store.

At the moment I am currently in Melbourne til Saturday.
The main purpose of my visit to Melbourne is the building pictured above.
For those of you who don't know what that building is,
That is a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint (mormon) Temple.
In my opinion, it's one of the most beautiful and peaceful places on earth.

Whenever I am in the temple, I always feel at peace.
The problems and stresses of my every day life, seem to not matter.
I never feel down or worried, I only ever feel relaxed and happy.
To me the peace of the temple, feel like a bit of heaven on earth.

These couple of days that I get to spend doing Temple sessions,
Are the highlight and best point in my holidays.
And I look forward to returning soon.

For those of you who do not know much or understand why or what our Temples are,
Here are a couple of videos to explain :)

New Love!

More Than Words
Over the past few months I have been following a talented artist Lisa Long over at More Than Words.
I am now addicted to her art work and can't wait till I owe a piece.

Reading her blog today she has shared a new piece called "Rules to live by"
I love reading through them.
And I think this piece is now up in my top 10 favourites.

What are some of the rules that you live by??

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

101 Things That Make Me Happy... Part Three:

  1. Balloons: Big bunch of bright helium filled balloons, makes me smile every time I see a photo or things about it. I just have always wanted a big bunch for myself!
  2. Quotes: As you can most likely tell from my blog I love my quotes. I collect them, I have a little book that I am currently filling up with quotes, and then I have a couple of identical books to fill too. I just love that from one or two sentences you can fit so much emotion and meaning.
  3. Family: My life would suck without my family around me. Coming from a family of 6 there is always a lot of people around, as we get older that number has increase and continues to with more additions. I love every single member of my family and I would not be who I am today without them. I love watching my nieces and nephew grow up, learn about live, watching them smile and laugh.
  4. Bubble baths: Nice relaxing warm bubble baths, lights turn down, candles lighting up the room, with music softly playing in the background. Just lying back, eyes closed and enjoying the moment. Heaven!
  5. Walks: I love a good long walk with a good friend. My favourite place to walk is along a beach at night time. Just walking and chatting. Being able to be silly together and not having to worry about other people seeing you, lol. Had many perfect long evening like this!
  6. Fresh feeling: The feeling you get after a long warm shower, after a hair cut, after getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist, putting on clean clothes straight out of the dryer, after taking your make-up off and cleaning your face.
  7. Puzzles: I love a good jigsaw puzzle, I love the ones with lots of people in it. I also love doing a sudoku puzzle or a find-a-word.
  8. Blogs: I love reading people's blogs, I love reading about their lives, likes and seeing their talents. I love getting to know other bloggers and learning their story.
  9. Tamed hair days: hey I have curly hair, it has a mind of it's own and most days it just does what it wants, which most of the time is not what I want, I just deal with it. But I love the days when it curls just right!
  10. Moisturiser: I love a good hand and body moisturiser, especially hand as i moisturise frequently. I also love a good lip balm, for the past 4 years since my awesome cousin Lauren introduced me to it I have fallen in love with Paw Paw Ointment. If you don't know what it is, hunt it down and try it!! Trust me you will love it! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

If ER and Glee had a baby...

This would be their Grey's Anatomy baby...

At the moment I am currently catching up on my Grey's Anatomy episodes.
Tonight I wanted their musical episode.
Season 7, episode 18.

I actually was surprised, I really enjoyed it.
It was a good change, and a nice surprise.
And wow, those actors and actresses actually have good voices!

Here are the songs:

Music Monday!

This week's song is...
I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy

This song is from one of my old time favourite bands,
With this song I have loved since it was released.
I'm liking it more so at the moment because there is one line in the song that I song times love to just sing at the top of my lungs "I don't care what you think!"
Some times we just need a plain and simple reminder not to care what people thing or say about us.
We need to just shake off those negative people and turn around and say "I don't care what you think"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lost track of time...

Sorry I haven't posted much lately,
Life has been super busy,
But good news...
I'm now on holidays!!
For at least one week but hoping to have it extended to two weeks!
I go away for a couple of days but...
I promise to post more :)

Here is a glimpse of what has been happening in my life lately...

All images were done through my instagram page... 
Do you have instagram?
Add me and i'll follow you back