Monday, January 16, 2012

101 Random Facts About Me...

I have now been blogging for just over two years.
I have really enjoyed getting to know people and getting to know myself better.

But now I want to get to know you all a lot better.
And I want you to know me better.
As apart of my 101 in 1001 project
I am going to share with you 101 random things about me.

  1. I am the youngest of 6 kids! I have now got... two brothers, three sisters, two brother-in-laws, one sister-in-law, two nephews, three nieces, and one niece or nephew on the way. Big family and I love each and every one of them.
  2. I hate having dry hands, lips and feet, you know that yucky dry feeling, hello hand moisturiser and body lotion! And lip balms are my best friends.
  3. I love stationary, I really wished I studied so that I had a better excuses to buy more!
  4. The opening to my doona always has to be at the bottom of the bed.
  5. I crack a lot... my knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, thumbs... all crack. The worst are my knees. They sounds like creaky stairs.
  6. I love reading chick flick books, sometimes it's just nice to curl up to a good book and let yourself dream.
  7. I love bright nail polish, and i have lots of colours.
  8. I can bend my thumb back and behind my knuckles and make a fist. Hello being double jointed.
  9. I love music, I am aways listening to some form of music, and I have a wide taste range. But there are times that I love to just sit and enjoy the silence, and listen to nature.
  10. I am allergic to rock melon otherwise known as Cantaloupe.

1 comment:

Ivy said...

I was blog-hopping around and I somehow ended up here. Love the blog, so adorable!!