Wednesday, January 4, 2012

30 Day Challenge...

It's the start of a new year!
A few of the things that I am focusing on this year is...

So this month, to start this year off to a bang!
I am doing a 30 day challenge.
Made up of three different challenges.

1st Challenge...
Daily to do lists.
I find that I achieve more of a evening when I get home from work if I have it all written down.
I write down about 10 things each day that I wish to achieve,
Sure there are going to be day that I may not get everything done,
But I at least have it written down and in my head that I need to get it marked off.

I think the reason why having a daily today list works so well is because I hate not seeing everything ticked off.
4 Days in and it is working very well,
I feel that I have achieved more of a evening when I have gotten home from work,
Because I know that those things need to be done so I don't really let myself relax until they are done.

2nd Challenge
Lifestyle Chart
This is a tick chart that I have created.
It is made up on 7 things that I have to strive to do every day for 30 days.
They are...
1: Eat breakfast everyday
2: Eat a salad everyday
3: Exercise for 30 minutes per day
4: Be in bed by 10:30, with lights out by 11pm
5: Say my prayers daily
6: Study my scriptures daily
7: Tidy up my room

Each day that I complete the item I tick it off,
I know that I'm not going to be able to do these everyday,
But I hope to improve how much I do do them,
And strive to make them habits.

Then at the end of the month,
If I have have done well,
Then I get to reward myself.

3rd Challenge
30 Days With Christ
This month my sister J. and myself are doing 30 days of studying different scripture references to do with Christ.
I am so glad that my sister came up with this idea and got me into it.
The scriptures are amazing,
And I love learning about Christ and what he has done with each and every one of us.
I am learning so much and I am so grateful for that.

Other things that I am doing this money is...
*Drinking more water
*Eating less junk food
*Spending less money
*Write in my journal more (aiming for daily)
*Review my life, and deciding on where I want my life to go this year.
Also recording things on one of these...
Print from Pinterest
What's your focus for this month??


Something Infinitely Interesting said...

Great goals.. i need to set mine up for the new year! i been slacking!

Elizabeth said...

I really like how you organized your goals. It makes it more attainable, at least to me as I am a list kind of girl too.

I have one goal that pertains to my whole life. It is to be more proactive and not so lazy. This pertains to my scripture studies, my job, my social life, etc. etc. I'm hoping if I just keep that one goal in mind, I can actually obtain it.

Brit said...

I am such a little kid, I kind of do the same thing, except my goals are on a white board and I get *stars* every time I do it for each day of the week.

L!$@ said...

Awesome goals! Now that I know I can help you out :D