7 Day detox
Done and dusted!
So because everyone has been asking me on facebook what I am on,
I thought that I would share it all with you...
Some may say that it was a diet, but I hate the word diet!
It's a lifestyle change,
Cleansing the body,
Getting the junk out of my body.
Teaching me to eat more healthily.
This detox is a soup based detox.
You can eat as much as you like but only of certain things.
I found the first few days pretty easy,
With the last three days the hardest.
But I felt great,
Didn't feel bloated, felt fresh and energised.
During the detox I wasn't able to excerise due to my foot injury,
But I still managed to lose 5kgs.
I now have two days break and go back onto the detox on Tuesday.
I actually looking forward to it cause today when getting carbs I kinda felt yuck.
Bring on the fresh fruti and veg!
But first I really want waffles! Naughty I know!
Some pieces of advise given to me that really helped...
*Learn to like the feeling of being hungry and notice the difference between straving and just feeling like something to munch on.
*Keep yourself busy
*Clean out the cardboards and fridge of unhealthly stuff
*Keep a diary so you know why you are doing it and to keep you focused.
*Have a support group
Soup Recipe:
2 Cans of crushed tomatoes
1 Bunch of green spring onions
2 Large cans of Campbell's beef consomme
1 Pkt of vegetable soup mix (dry)
1 Bunch of celery
2 Cans of green beans or 1 pkt of frozen beans (500g)
2 Green Peppers
3 Carrots
2 Beef stock cubes
2 Chicken stock cubes
2 Cups of water
Season with salt, pepper, curry or parsley or hot sauce.
Cut vegies into small to medium pieces, place all ingredients into a pot.
Boli fast for 10 mins, reduce to simmer and continue cooking until very tender.
You can leave soup chunky or blend it to a liquid.
Eat the soup when every you are hungry. You can eat as much of the soup as you like. The soup will add no calories.
Plenty of water!!! You can also drink unsweetened juices, tea, coffee, cranberry juice, or water, water, water.
Bread, alcohole, carbonated beverages (including soft brinks of any kind), fried food or oil.
Day One:
Any fruit, except bananas, cantalope and watermelon.
Eat only fruit and soup today.
Day Two:
All vegetables, eat all fresh, raw and canned veggies. Try to eat green leafy vegetables, stay away from dry beans, peas, and corn. Eat veggies along with the soup.
At dinner time reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter.
Don't eat any fruit today.
Day Three:
Eat all the soup, Fruit and veggies you want.
Don't have the baked potato.
*At this stage if you have eaten the above and have not cheated you should have lost 5-7lds. (2.5-3.5kg)
Day Four:
Bananas and skim milk, eat at least 3 bananas and as much milk as you can, along with the soup.
Bananas are high in calories and cabs, as is the milk, but you will need the potassium and carbs today.
Day Five:
Beef(or chicken-boilded or baked, without skin.) and tomatoes, you may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes or as many as 6 tomatoes.
Eat the soup at least once a day.
Day Six:
Beef (or chicken) and vegetables. Eat to your heart's content of the beef and veggies. You can even have 2-3 steaks if you like. With green leafy vegetables. No baked potato and be sure to eat the soup at least once.
Day Seven:
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies. Again be sure to stuff yourself and eat the soup.
*By the seventh day if you have not cheated through out the week then you should have lost between 10-17lds. (5-8.5kgs).
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Hey Jess, congrats on the weight loss! Just maybe keep in mind that this is a really drastic eating plan. I'm not sure if you know that this is what they use for people who need to lose weight before surgery? Its not designed to be long term.
Obviously you know what works for you though :) xx
Holy cow I totally have been looking into doing something exactly like this!!! I am going to copy cat you!!!!
@Lauren, its a detox its not meant for long term. Its supposed to clean out your body of all the toxins that have been stored in your body.
And Jess, I have been looking into doing a detox, I had a friend that was supposed to do one for two weeks, she did if for a week. Its supposed to be a raw foods detox. No cooking and no meat. All raw vegetables. I have been thinking about something along that line for myself.
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