Tuesday, November 8, 2011

101 In 1001 Update...

2# Send a care package.

Unfortunately I totally forgot to take a photo of either of the care packages that I have done over the last few month, I'm really kicking myself for that.

Over the past two months I have done two care package.

The first one was to a close friend who is currently serving a full time mission.
He's package contained his favourite food, golf balls, toys to entertain his quiet time.

The second package was to another good friend,
This package didn't have to go through the post,
But it did take involve a late night creep up a dark drive way,
Sneaking along the front yard,
Placing the package quietly on the door mat and ringing the door bell,
Then running as fast as possible in flip flops (not easy!) while trying not to fall over, 
Jumping in waiting car, and driving off before being caught.

Really really kicking myself for not taking a photo,
The last package looked awesome,
Picture a big red box with a white bow, pretty.

Sending packages are fun!
And receiving packages is awesome! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the 101 in 1001 list!!

megs [at] Shine On