Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Girl With Curls...

I am not one that likes to put photos up of myself,
I'm kinda camera shy,
And don't have a huge amount of self confidence 
(to be completely honest)

But I thought that you may like to see 
What I do when I feel like a change,
When I feel like a mini-make over.

I was born with curly ringlet hair,
Growing up I hated it,
I dread my hair being brushed,
Because it hurt like hell when it was knotty.
I could never do anything with it,
It would just go frizzy,
Kinda looking like a fur ball.

But in my adult years,
I have come to love it.
I have learnt how to control it,
And make it look cool.
Sure it take a lot of effort,
And cost quiet a bit too with the products I have to use,
But it's well worth it!
Now I love my hair and don't wish for anything different.

*Bad Photo*

Even though I love my curls,
Once in a while I feel like a change,
Feel like being different for a day of two.

That's when I do this...
Turn my curls to straight hair!

What do you think?
Different isn't it!
And my hair is so much longer straight!


Yvonne said...

Very cute :) It must take a long time, eh?

I haven't straightened my hair in almost three years! I used to do it daily.

amie k said...

curly or straight, it looks lovely!

Love Amie

Jess Cole said...

***Takes me about an hour to an hour and a half to straighten***

Unknown said...

I'm so glad I found your blog! I am also a curly girl who had major issues with hair loathing and esteem around all my straight haired friends. LOL. glad those days are over! Was it just me or did it take you half a decade and hundreds of bottles of products to figure out what worked?
Embrace the curls!

Unknown said...

I always hated my curly hair when I was younger, and I wasn't allowed to get a straightener so I would use the clothes iron! lol Now I like it, and I rarely straighten it unless, like you, I want to do something different.

Abi said...

I love it both ways. I have curls as well..but with age..they have flattened out a bit. Bummer!