Sunday, August 7, 2011

Expressions of Love...

It really is what makes the world go around.
It's like a warm ray of sun light coming through the fog on a cold grey morning.
It brings a smile to anyones face.

I am so grateful for the gospel
And for the strong focus it has on marriage and families.
I am grateful for the advice and examples that the church and it members gives.

In todays world where marriage is sometimes looked upon as only a piece of paper,
Or when divorce is more common.
It teaches the younger generation of today, 
The importance of marriage and families.

The gospel teaches us that no relationship is going to be easy,
But that we have to work on them,
Continue to keep them strong.
Marriage and families are important and are not to be taken for granted.

Take the time today, everyday
To express your love for those you care about!


L!$@ said...

I love that video and story! :D

Ryan Adair said...

I love this video, I first saw it over at Young People in Love. I am not Mormon, but I love love love the message. I'm a new follower of your blog, really great stuff here. :)