Thursday, August 18, 2011

20SB Blog Swap 9#: Summer!

Hello everybody!  I'm Chelsea, and I blog at Perfect in My Mind.  
I think summer is real great.  Is that the most obvious statement you've ever heard?  Probably.

The topic of this post is supposed to center around my favorite part of summer.  But, I'm a rule breaker.  Choosing favorites is one of my least favorite things to do.  I mean, seriously . . . it takes me like 15 minutes just to pick a candy bar from the grocery store.  I'm indecisive. 

Anyway.  This summer has been quite a bit different than summers' past.  Why?  Because this summer was my first as a married woman.  And, I was going to summer school.  I felt like more of a 'grown up' this year than I did even last year.  But, it turns out grown ups are allowed to have fun, too.

For instance, my husband and I were able to take a trip to Disneyland,

enjoy lots of sun at the lake,

and even learned a new skill!
Modge Podge dresser project
When I was a baby, I basically just ate and did baby stuff.
Snooze fest.  Maybe being a real life grown up is better than I thought.


Alexis Kaye said...

HA! If that picture is really you I might die laughing!

With love, Alexis

Toni Rose said...

hahaha :)

summer indeed becomes different as we age!