Sunday, January 22, 2012


For ages now I have wanted to learn how to use photoshop,
Today was still on bed rest for my foot,
I decided to teach myself how to use it.
So thank for google and my cousin Lolly.
I was able to learn how to make my first creations...

I have always loved typography,
So I knew that it had to be my first creation.

What do you think?


Anna said...

Very cool! I'm not fresh at Photoshop, but I'm still learning a lot. One of these days I made a little blog makeover for my friend so I did lots of stuff and I love how it all turned out.

Serendipituous said...

Wow this is so awesome! I wish I could do stuff like this! Absolutely lovely.

Maz said...

L-O-V-E it!!!! Awesome work!