Friday, February 17, 2012

Come One... Come All!

Would you like to be a guest blogger in a new weekly post?

I find it interesting to see what people carry around in their handbags, backpacks, etc.
I think that you can tell a lot about a person by what they carry around.

If you would like to be a guest blogger,
Then all you have to do is email me in your posts.

Please include the following...
  • Photo of yourself
  • Photo of your bag and what is in it.
  • Description of what is in your bag.
  • Links to the following... blog, twitter, and blog facebook page if you have one.
When you send it through I will email you back a date in which your post will be featured.
All you then have to do is spread the word when your post up on the blog.

If you have been featured before on the blog,
You are welcome to be do another post!

Need inspirations... here is some!

Now all you need to do is send your email through!


Ashley @ Ashley Loves Books said...

Oh I love this!! I always carry such an absurd amount and I think it's funny to see what gets shoved into our bags throughout the days. I definitely want to participate! I've got a lot going on the next couple days though (and have to find my camera!), so I'll have mine emailed to you sometime early next week - hope that's ok!

Kimmy said...

So we send you an actual blog post through email?