10 Things About Christmas…
Hey ya'll! My name is Sierra Shaneá and I am most definitely a girl with curls keeping a blog of my own over here at The Yellow Glove. (Click on the "Why the Glove?" tab to discover the meaning behind the odd title.)
Anyway, Jess is super awesome for letting me guest post on her blog! Here’s my list of 10 things that make me happy around Christmas time. (Besides, of course, the true meaning of Christmas. That one’s a given.) Believe me, this list was hard to come up with. Why? Because I love Christmas way too much to narrow it down to 10 things. I mean I really love Christmas. You know that super annoying person who is always singing Christmas music? That person that, when December finally rolls around, has an overwhelming amount of energy due to their excitement because “Omygosh only 24 more days”? Yeah. That’s me.
So here we go, the top 10.
Drum roll please.
1) The music. I mean really, does this even need to be explained? Christmas music just makes my heart smile and immediately puts me in a good mood. Most of my favorites are the same ones that I've been listening to since I was a little girl. There's something about hearing those old familiar tunes once a year that grabs at the ol' heartstrings. (Which actually sounds kind of disgusting. Heartstrings? What the heck are those anyway? As far as I know my cardiovascular system in free of yarn.) Since we're using the number 10, here are 10 of my favorite Christmas songs:
11. Anything by Michael Buble'
Okay, okay. So I couldn’t keep it to a meager 10 songs. There are just too many good ones to choose from!
2) Brand new, clean, fresh, white snow. It just sparkles in the light and makes everything look more romantic. It's such a beautiful thing! (Plus it allows me to sled and go 4-wheeling in the snow, both of which I also love.)
3) Finally being able to load up on the layers and scarves and adorable boots. Not to mention wearing my comfy warm slippers everywhere without being judged or told that I look like Cookie Monster. I'd like to think that I don't have those same crazy eyes.

4) Snuggling under blankets drinking hot cocoa by the fireplace and/or woodstove. Need I say more?
5) Christmas break. A month with no classes? Yes please. Of course it’s going to be one of my favorite times of the year.
6) The unlimited supply of seasonal food and drink like pumpkin pie, egg nog, apple cider, etc. Yummmm!
7) Making Christmas presents because a) I’m broke and b) I like doing crafty things like that.
8) Decorating the house and putting up the Christmas tree with my family, all the while singing along with the Christmas music playing in the background. And nativity sets? Seriously, little baby Jesus is just the cutest thing.
(Did I mention that I love our tree?)
9) The atmosphere around Christmas time. For some reason everyone is happier, friendlier, and overall much more pleasant to be around this time of year. And, let’s be honest, who wouldn’t be happier with ol’ Bing Crosby running through their veins?
10) Christmas morning. I love being woken up by my little siblings early and excitedly informed that “It’s Christmas!” Us older kids sleepily trail the younger ones down the stairs and find our stockings. We wait for my parents to come down with the video camera before we can start opening our presents and even though I’m 20 and the youngest of us is 10 years old, Santa is still real in our household.
Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope you get to enjoy some of your favorite things this holiday season!
I Love you Sierra, you are a Christmas fanatic just like me!!!! :D
haha I totally am! Christmas is my favorite time of the year for sure!!
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