Today, 2 years ago,
I made a decision,
I looked at my life,
& decided that I needed to change the path that I was on.
That I was not happy,
& I deserved a better life then I was living.
Today, 2 years ago,
I turned my life upside down,
& inside out.
I reviewed every area of my life,
& made choices that will effect my life forever,
For the better.
Today, 2 years ago,
I started one of the hardest & longest trials of my life.
I had no idea what was install for me,
But I knew that the end goal will be worth it,
No one ever going to be easy.
I will experience my very lowest day,
& I will experience my happiest day possible.
Today, two years ago,
I started to break bad habits,
I quit smoking & drinking.
Which was the blocker of a lot of emotion stuff.
Smoking and drinking made me numb to what was going on with me and my life.
Today, two years ago,
I returned to the faith that my parents raised me in.
I returned to church,
I continually work on my testimony on the gospel.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mormon)
I am non-smoker
I am non-drinker
I am improving my fitness
I am getting fit and losing weight
I am improving my health
I am improving the relationships with my family members
I am working on opening up to my friends more
I am working on becoming a better person.
I am developing my career
I am working on my anxiety disorder
I am the happiest I have ever been!!
The past 5 years have been the hardest of my life,
The past 2 year have been a different type of harder then the 3 before it.
But all the trials I have been through have taught me so much
I never regret a single thing in my life
Because they have made me who I am,
And where I am today
And for that I am grateful for!
There are a handful of people that with
their support, encouragement, advise,
& a shoulder to lean on.
They know who they are,
And become of them, they have helped my get where I am today,
For that I will be eternally grateful for you!