I have been tagged in a questionnaire by the awesome

So here is a little bit about me!
1). What is your dream job?
There are two things that I would LOVE to be able to do, the first one is to be a Storm Chaser, to chase tornadoes! I have always been amazed by them, I would love to photograph them in there rare beauty. The second job I would love would be to be photograph
ic journalism, to take photo in the middle of natural disasters, wars, celebrations. I want to show the world the rare emotions that are attached to events that are happening all around the world.

2). How do you take you tea or coffee?
Actually, I don't drink either. I love a good hot chocolate though! Nice and sweet! I'm a sweet tooth! :)
3). What is your most important beauty secret?
Hmm, the only thing that I could share is Paw Paw ointment, it is heaven! It's great for your lips, if you have a cold and put it onto you nose to stop it from drying out and cracking at the tip, and it's also perfect for sunburn!
4). If you had a all-expense paid vacation to anywhere, where would you go?
I would love to go for a road trip around Canada and United States of America. And I would love to backpack around UK & Europe!
5). If a genie popped up right now, what would your three wishes be?
1: To have all my family in the same city, easier to visit them, cause I miss them all heaps!
2: To have the talent to get a awesome job doing my dream jobs
3: To find that special someone, to marry him, and to live a life full of love and laughter.
6). If you could only have on type of food for the rest of your life what would it be?
hmm, now that is just a hard one! I could so live off Crust pizza or chocolate self-saucing pudding...hmm so many other choices, and of course it would be awesome if they could all be super health for you!
7). What one talent do yo wish you had?
I wish that I could sing, really really well. A voice that was just perfect.
8). Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
Hmm, now this is hard! I have 3 celebrity crushes! First one is Johnny Depp, cause he is such a awesome and amazing actor, seriously talented, and when I watch him he always makes me laugh! Second one is Ryan Reynolds... YUM, hello love him in so many movies, love his body and his wit. The third on is Gerard Bulter, that accent, wow I could just melt! And his body is pretty fine too!

9). If you could look into the future, would you?
Wow, what a tempting offer... but I would have to decline. I think one of the fun parts of life (and one of the most frustrating) is not knowing what is to come in the future, not knowing what choices will have what effect on our lives. Life is about taking risks, working through the trials, enjoying the special moments.
10). What made you start a blog?
I now pass on this tag to:
Have fun girls, can't wait to read your answers!