I think this is such a fun challenge and I'm always a fan of thinking about the good things in life! I don't think we do so enough.
However, I only get to list ten things, so I want to be more original than family, friends and boyfriend. (Which do make me happy.) I decided to go for the obscure things today.
Ten things that make Katie Happy!
- A clean, organised closet. I love seeing my clothes so nicely hanging, organised by colour.
- New Your Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt with Kiwi slices from Yogurtland. When my mouth is that happy. it's impossible to keep a smile off my face.
- Cuddling up in the overly fluffy quilt and reading a good book. Nothing makes me feel cozier.
- Wearing heels. With jeans, skirts, dresses. Nothing makes my outfit feel more complete than a pair of snazzy high heeled shoes
- Writing random cards to family and friends when I'm thinking about them. I love imagining the look on their faces when they read the unexpected mail.
- Cooking. It's a new love, but there's something so rewarding about eating something yummy that was just a mess of ingredients half an hour before. And leftovers are the best!
- The sunsets that have been so lovely the past few days here in Las Vegas. So beautiful that I was late to a movie because I was taking in the beauty of the free show.
- Aching muscles. It's the best feeling after a good workout. It's proof that you worked hard.
- Netflix instant play. THere are so many TV shows and movies that I never would have seen and loved if I didn't have Netflix. It's such a wonderful invention.
- Blogging. I love being able to share my thoughts with the world. I have met so many wonderful people through blogging. It's one thing that makes me happy each and every day.
Life is good, isn't it?
If your would like to be a guest blogger as apart of 10 Simple Things
Thanks for letting me guest post on your blog! It was such a fun post to write!
Aww! This is a great list! :)
I love your list Katie! Sunsets, cooking, cuddling up! Sounds wonderful! :)
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