Friday night was so much fun, so much laughter! I still GIGGLE when thinking back over the events.
Dear Holidays,
I have enjoyed my two weeks with you. Time when too QUICKLY as normal, but it was time well spent. Let's not leave our next encounter so long next time.
P.S. see you IN 6 WEEKS time ;)
Dear Work,
It feels WEIRD coming back to you after 2 weeks, but I'm looking forward to working at Eastlands. See you tomorrow.
Dear Zoe,
You are so CUTE sleeping next to me right this minute! Please don't grow up too quickly.
Dear Sunshine,
It's been good seeing you this week, THANK YOU for making an appearance after last week full of rain.
Dear Book Collection,
You keep GROWING which is good, and I'm slowly making my way through the pile of book I am yet to read, but hey at least I'll never have nothing to read.
Dear Jess, oh how awesome Friday was!! :D Love it! From Lisa
Thanks Anonymous for picking that up for me.
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