My journey being one weight loss, becoming healthy, to changing my life, to become confident and to learn to love myself.
Over the past four months I have come to realise how so much more difficult this is going to be.
There will be good days and bad days.
There will be days with I am strong, motivated, positive.
Then there will be days when I will break, the tears will fall, my spirit will break, when the road will feel like it's too long, and I will doubt if I can do this.
This journey will not be easy, far from it.
This journey is more than just loosing weight,
It is about over coming old demons,
Addressing my past, moving on, moving forward,
Developing and learning
Creating the person that I wish to become.
There will be days that I feel like I have come so far, that progress is being made.
But there will be, and have been, days that I feel like I have taken 50 steps back.
I will be fighting a up hill battle, not only have I got my body and mind to fight, to change, to improve.
But I also have injuries that cause set backs, as I have experienced over the past two months.
I need to pace myself, work hard to strengthen my body, but be careful not to push myself too hard, too early.
This journey is going to test all areas of my life,
It is already teaching me to be patient, that things that are worth having don't come over night, they take a lot of hard works.
I have been so blessed to have meet my awesome trainer Beau, he is the best trainer that I have ever had.
He makes the world of difference in this journey, but more about he another time.
To be honest, I wasn't going to blog about this subject, I guess because I was ashamed about it, I was ashamed about what I have let myself become.
But there are so many thoughts, and feelings that I need to and will continue to need to express through out this journey, and this blog is my place to do this.
I don't care if no one reads this blog any more, but if there are people out there that are reading this post then please if you have any advice, suggestions, recipes, know of any awesome bloggers or websites the please share, I am interested in every since things!
I am also sorry that I have been pretty quiet this year, but I promise that this will improve.
I know that I am not the best writer, but hopefully I can improve over the next few months as I begin to blog more about my journey and my life.
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Of course I still read your blog :) And I believe in you! I know when you decide to do something, you won't give up. Look how far you've come in other areas of your life, the last few years.
I know you can do it Jess! And I'll be reading your posts for motivation for myself too lol
Girl don't be ashamed!! Take pride in the fact that you're bettering yourself while most people are complacent. I admire that.
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