Today was a good day.
The speakers at church today was uplifting,
It was a strong spiritual day.
I know that on my blog I don't tended to share often my love for my faith.
I sometimes find it hard to find the words to explain my love for this church.
Once in a while I may share a video.
But from now on I am going to strive to share my thoughts on the church more often.
Along with other areas of my life.
For those who do not know I am a member of the
Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-day Saints (also known as
I was born into this faith, my parent too also have a love for this church.
I grew up with the church in my life and learning about it.
Til I hit my late teens, when I did became a stubborn teenager,
I stopped going to church thinking that I knew best,
That there were better things away from the Church.
At the age of 22, I decided that I wasn't happy with life,
That something was missing.
At that point I decided to go back to church.
It was the best decision that I have ever made in my life so far.
Since that day, my life has been rich and happy.
So let me share with you today some things that have made me feel uplifted and inspired today...
On the train to church I listened to this talk by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf...
This talk is so powerful, it gaves me peace, and comfort.
My favourite quote from this talk is the following:
I love this quote, this quote gives me comfort a strength to move on with the future no matter how hard it can be at times...
"Don't you quit.
You keep walking.
You keep trying.
There is help and happiness ahead.
Some blessings come soon,
Some come late,
And some don't come until heaven.
But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.
It will be all right in the end.
Trust God and believe in good things to come."
-Jeffrey R. Holland
And this following video gives me the comfort to know that I am loved, that there are ends to trials.
My favourite part is "Hope ya know, I had a hard time"
There are times in which when I pray, I simply say those words, and on so many times I have been given the feeling as if someone is giving me a big hug.
Tears well up in my eyes, just at the pure knowledge of knowing that I am know to the Lord, and that he knows what I am going through and he is there for me and loves me no matter what I may have done in the past.
And to finish off I would like to share with you two more quotes...
I hope each and every one of you have a great week.
And please remember,
That no matter hard good or how hard your life may be at the moment,
No matter if you are of my faith or of another faith, of no faith at all.
Please remember one things.
The Lord know each of you,
He cares and loves you.
And is there for you 24/7.