Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Snuggie Prep

To begin the next project- the Snuggie, Mum needed to see one to suss out what the pattern for mine needed to be like.

As we were shopping on Monday we came around some Snuggie in Chickenfeed for $7.99! Bargin, so we purchased one so that we had one to go off of. Sure it wasn't the best quality but the good thing is that Mum thought it was great! So it's now hers.

Even Dad likes it! He tried it on last night but didn't say much about it. Then when Mum and myself got home last night he was there sitting in the lounge room with it on! Lucky Mum got me to pick him up one of his own today!

1 comment:

L!$@ said...

He he he, just picturing your dad wearing it made me laugh! :D