Lauren and Mark were married on Wednesday 2nd June 2010, on friday the family and close friend gathered to celebrate their marriage.
I had the honour of being able to travel to the temple with the bride and with Erin- Brides maid, Auntie Christ- Mother of the Bride. Of course the bride around perfectly on time... bride time that is- Late. While Lauren and Chris went into the temple, Erin and myself waited in the lobby at the front. It was quiet and peaceful, with the rain falling outside, the day was still a beautiful day, I was able to see Mark- Lauren husband, waiting patient for his Bride to come out dressed in her wedding dress, he was so excited to see his wife in her wedding dress for the first time.
The highlight of my day was seeing Lauren walking out of the temple, she looked so happy and amazing, more beautiful then words can explain, then i looked over to Mark, the look on his face was priceless, it was the look from both of them was the awesome love that they have for each other.
The rest of the day was awesome, after family photos it was time for the bridal party to depart for photos, we all jump into three cars and headed off to different locations around sydney and getting drenched along the way.
The reception was awesome with a amazing cake and yummy food.
The happy couple then departed the next day for their 7 days cruise of the Caribbean, then moving straight to Cananda to start their new life as a marriage couple!
Going to miss you heaps Lauren! Hope all your dreams come true for the both of you!

They got married in June :P
Ha ha yeah oops, bit of a error there lol all corrected.
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