Growing up I always used to hear older people say "Back in my day"
And today I said those words.
When I saw this photo, those words escaped my mouth,
But it is so true,
When I was younger, and the generations before me,
Would be outside so much more then kids these days.
We used to get up to all sorts of fun in the backyard.
Kids these days need to get off the computers, turn off the television
And get outside, use their imaginations and have fun.
So true, in my neighborhood we had no fences and all of us kids were all ways running through every ones lawns(we tried not too all the time) and we were always out playing games. I hardly ever seen kids out actually playing. Its so sad. We were also never allowed to say we were bored. If we did we had to some work whatever my stepdad told us to do. Now that is all you hear kids and teens say. They need to learn to put the remote down, playstation down and go out side and learn to be creative.
I remember hating it when it was dinnertime aka time to go inside. There was always something cool to do outside. Sports, trees, lizards, dirt, water + dirt, streetlamps (to climb), bikes...I'm getting all nostalgic now. My kids are definitely going to be forced outside.
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