Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Believe in America!!!

2012 is going to be a big year for America
They have a important decision to make.
They have a opportunity to make a difference to their future!

America... it's time for a change...
Vote for Mitt Romney
Believe in America!!

More importantly, who ever you vote for,
Be it Obama or Romney,
The most important thing is....


Unknown said...

time you change? You should look into Ron Paul. I don't understand why people act like he isn't running when he is clearly making Romney step his game up.
Do your homework!

Maz said...

Very true Jess that people need to VOTE to make their voice heard, whoever they support. Otherwise you're letting someone else decide your future. Gotta love Australia with compulsory voting...which has it downside tho!

And yes, it's always good to do your research before you vote :)