This week I would like to introduce you all to Hayley!
When Hayley sent me her email with her list I fell in love with A: her photo, it's awesome! and B: her list! She a person who loves adrenaline, just like me! Now I'm craving going skydiving again!
Pop by Hayley's blog- Learning The World and say hi!
10 Things that make Hayley happy!!!
- Blowing bubbles: Maybe it's childish and silly, but it's pretty much impossible to be unhappy while blowing bubbles. Seriously. Blowing bubbles instantly brings a smile to my face.
- Traveling: I'll admit it--I've caught the travel bug. I've had it for about five years and wouldn't change a thing. Sure, it means I'm always broke, and yes, it means being away from home. But the truth is, the experiences, challenges and relationships I've gained from travel are so addicting that I doubt I'll ever give it up!
- Earrings: I've been known to wear the most outrageously colorful, big and bold earrings. They stand out, they're great conversation starters, and they're a great addition to any outfit (even my Northface fleece and sweatpants!)
- Kids who speak languages I can't understand: Not only are kids in general adorable, but you can pretty much gather the meaning behind what they're saying, no matter what the language. They speak simply and from the heart, and you can always count on a child to wave, smile and say hello, even if you can't understand exactly what they say after that.
- Adrenaline rushes: I crave them all the time. They make your heart beat, they quicken your breath, and they tell you that you just did something so wildly outrageous that you might just need pictures to prove it! Skydiving, bungee jumping, cliff diving or zip lining--doesn't matter the activity, as long as I get that rush!
- Peanut Butter: I've traveled a lot in the last five years, and so I've grown accustomed to eating foods from all different cultures around the world. However, there is one food that I always bring with me as a reminder of home, and that is Peanut Butter. Nothing says comfort like a big old spoonful of the stuff.
- Dog love: No matter what, a dog will love you unconditionally. When you mess up, they're wagging their tail at you. When you say something stupid, they lick your hands. When something goes wrong, they curl up next to you and put their head in your lap. I've got three dogs at home, and I always know that I can count on them for some good ol' fashioned dog lovin'.
- Skype: Whenever I'm away from home, I know that I can still talk to my family, friends and boyfriend thanks to the amazing technology of Skype. Whenever I'm feeling down and a little homesick, all I have to do is call home (for free!) and see the faces of the people I love the most and who love me right back!
- Being silly: Celebrating ridiculous holidays like Leif Erikson Day, playing dress up, talking in funny voices, coming up with home-town adventures to keep from being bored, or just plain old ridiculous with friends always makes me happy.
- Bear hugs: Having been abroad for four months makes me appreciate the bear hugs I get from my mom, sister, boyfriend and friends all that much more. They're warm, they're comforting, and they make me feel loved. It's definitely the first thing I'm looking forward when I get home in two weeks!
**If your would like to be a guest blogger as apart of 10 Simple Things**
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