Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fight Time...

"Some don't realises that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal."

Living life with anxiety, some days it absolutely sucks.
Each day is a fight, Me vs. Me...

There are days where I don't want to get out of bed and face the world, where I just wanted to hide under the covers.
There are days where I feel like there is a huge weight on my chest making breathing feel impossible.
There are days where the panic takes control and the panic attacks set in.
There are days when the smallest things will make me cry.
Some days the anxiety slow builds up, other days it hits me like a fast moving truck.
There are nights where I lay awake for hours on end, into the early hours of the morning, not being about to stop the thoughts that are racing through my mind.
The worries that race through my head, over thinking past actions, words that were once send, past memories, and the future.

For someone to talk about what it is like to have anxiety, panic attacks and/or depression is extremely hard, I love this video at the bottom of this post by Meghan Rienks, she has put together a video explain anxiety and has done a awesome job at explaining what it feels like.

For me, I have the evil three- Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression. Anxiety being the worst out of all three. They are the worst feelings in the world.

Each day is a battle, a battle to look forward to the day ahead of me, to not let the little things get to me. On the outside I may look fine or normal... but inside it is a massive fight, with myself.

But I am improving, I am learning how to cope, how to live with them, and how to not let them define me.

I started blogging again because I want to be able to us this platform as a source of expression for me, from things that I am thinking down to the things that I am loving on Pinterest.

If you have anxiety or depression, or panic attacks, know this... you are not alone, there are people around you that care about you, there are people around you that understand what you are going through, and most importantly you are stronger than you think.

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