May I please trade in my body.
It seems to hate me.
I'm sure it's still covered by the warranty.
Back in early October I hurt my back and had to get it strapped by my phsyio.
Well since then it has still been giving me heaps of pain and problems.
During my during my two weeks of holidays the other week,
It was spent it going from appointment to appointment,
having tests and getting results.
All up had 4 blood tests, 1 CT scan, 1 MRI scan, 6 doctors appointment.
Results- 5 bulging disks and spine degeneration.
What means- PAIN, PAIN and MORE PAIN.
Where to from here...
Tuesday I have to go and have another blood test and a ultrasound, and a bone scan.
The blood test and ultrasound is in regards to a old problem with my thyroid.
And the bone scan is of my left foot- earlier this year I sprained my ankle twice in the same month, and also developed Plantar fasciitis, but over the last week, my fasciitis has flared up again as well as potential causing a stress fracture to my foot as well.
In regards to my back, in January i'm off to a Rheumatologist and he will take it from there, the suggestion at the moment that my doctor has requested is a Facet blocks- injections into my spine.
Hopefully by the end of January I will be back to my old self, and be loud back to the gym!

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