Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Commit...

I commit to...
-Enjoy the small moments of life.
-Making the most of each opportunity.
-Capture the moments of life more.
-Smile & laugh more
-Make sure my family and friends know how much I love them.
-Ride my bicycle often.
-Drink more water each day.
-Find the joy in cooking
-Try something new every week
-Discover the state I live in
-Make new friends
-Step out of my comfort zone
-Be creative
-Read the classics
-Study the gospel
-Random acts of kindness
-Love myself
-Forgive myself
-Sned more snail mail
-Learn to get to bed early!
-Learn to trust
-Be more organised
-Plus all the commitments on the photos.

Plus so many other things,
But for now I think that this list is long enough.
I aim to improve one thing at a time,
Steadily improving myself,
Become a better person,
A happier and healthier me!

Thank you to my awesome work for creating these photos for the newest ad campaign.

1 comment:

Maz said...

Heh, those posters are pretty cool eh! Sounds like a good list, I struggle with many of those too lol