I am grateful for my cute niece, and that every time I touch my phone, I can't help but smile at the photo of her gorgeous smiling face.
I am grateful for the friendships that I have with my sisters, that we talk often, and that they are there for me when ever I need to talk.
I am grateful for my parent, they are my best friends, they love me and support me with what ever I choose to do in my life, and are there to catch me when I fall.
I am grateful for my awesome flat mate, I would be lost with out her! Lisa aka Squirrel!
I am grateful for the job that I have, majorly grateful for the supportive manager that I have and that they look after me.
I am grateful for my health, sure it's not the best at the moment, could be a lot better but at the same time it would be a lot worse.
I am grateful for the people that have influenced me in my life, they are have meant so much to be, they have been such examples to me. Thanks to their foot prints on my life, I am a better person for knowing them.
I am grateful for having my awesome book collection (to which is still growing), which always me to escape the stresses of everyday life into another world.
I am grateful for living in a country of peace and freedom. To be able to feel safe walking down the street.
I am grateful for the strength that the gospel gives to me, the peace that it brings to my life, the hope for the future.
I am thankful for how awesome mother nature is, for the amazing weather we had this past weekend, for the amazing blue skies and bright sparkling night stars, for the difference in the seasons which makes each of them gorgeous in their own way.
Life is short, so stop, slow down, breathe, relax, appreciate the thing in you life, don't take them for granted, one day it could be all gone, and then it's too late.
Live life and enjoy every moment!