Loved my hugs over the last few days. Your so CUTE! Looking forward to our next hug! Hmm when can I kidnap you again.....
Dear Cass,
Hope your having fun on your cruise. But it really SUCKS! that I can't call you and chat and that you have only checked your email once over the past month. But looking forward to seeing you soon!
p.s. Bringing me back a pressie??? ;)
Dear Music,
I really feel like DANCING to you right now!
Dear Diary/Planner,
I really need to start using you alot BETTER, ok so I just need to start using you.... once then once.
Dear Body,
Thank you for holding up this winter and only getting a little cold, I PROMISE to look after you if you repay me by not getting what ever illness that has been going around my work.
Dear new handbag,
I STILL really like you. Just in case you may have forgotten.
Dear Life,
I'm still learning how to do this how BALANCING act, some days it works well, other days well yeah not so crash hot.
Dear Readers,
I know your there, thank you for reading my rambles, but feel free to COMMENT :) They brighten my day and make me smile.
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