Today was an interesting day, I had two unexpected encounters.
The first one was a nice chat with someone at lunch time. This was the first time that I had really talk to this person, and they surprised me, they had noticed that I hadn't been around and was genuinely interested where I had been hiding and why.
Yeah for those who don't know I've kinda been in hiding for the past month and a half, haven't been home for that time period, I needed a bit of time to hibernate and review somethings in my life and also spend some time relaxing.
That person most likely didn't realise what effect on me that effect had on me but it gave me comfort and a bit of insight on somethings that had been playing on my mind.
The conversation was only a brief one but it made a big impact and now at the end of my day, looking back over the day in full, it makes me see that it was kinda in a way preparing me for the second unexpected surprise of the day.
As you know from the last post at the moment I am awaiting on a few packages to arrive in the mail. One thing that I was not expecting was a letter. That's right a good old fashion hand written letter.
Actually it was kinda freaky, cause this letter had been written on Monday, and on the same day I had written a letter to the same person. I wasn't about to sleep on Monday night, so at 1:30am after being in bed since 10:30pm trying to sleep, I got up and decided to get my thoughts out of my head and on to paper, and these thoughts just happened to turn into a letter.
That letter, safely sealed in a envelope with the address and stamp on it ready to go then continue to sit safely in my handbag. I had not forgotten to send this letter, I knew full well that it was there, but I just couldn't take that final step and drop it into a mail box. I had actually nearly talked myself out of sending the letter.
That was until I got my unexpected letter.
A letter that touched my heart and at the same time gave me a slap in the face as a wake up call. The letter was blunt and to the point. The letter was not long, but WOW did it hold a punch to it. Now don't get me wrong, this letter was nothing bad, but the opposite, it made me cry. It was honest and caring.
The best things come in same packages! It's amazing how the small things can effect you in such huge ways. Thank you.
1 comment:
I love that. And you seem so sweet! Just by stopping by for a minute.
Lovely blog.
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