A new year has begun, time to set some goals for the year...
- Complete as much of my 101 in 1001 list as possible.
- Host 5 giveaways
- Host 5 guest blogger
- Start and complete project 365
- Take more photos
- Fill in my 365 journal, a entry of some type every day for a year.
- Become more organised
- Complete a 30 day challenge
- Be able to run again
- Have fun, enjoy the year, and make it the best possible!!
Oh how I love the new year! I love the idea of a brand new beginning and new resolutions. Good luck on them!
p.s. If you are ever in need of finding a guest blogger, I would be more than happy to be one for your blog!
yay for running! i like running!!! :} but i don't think it's that safe over here in las vegas to run. i'm too scared. lol!
i hope you get to do your 30 day challenge... what is it anyway?
and you know what?! plan on actually accomplishing these things that you wanna do! have fun!
Good luck with your resolutions!!
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