It's the little things in life that makes the difference, the things that make you smile, make you giggle, the small things that make memories last forever!
"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back
and realize they were the big things"
So let me share with you a few things that make me happy, the little things....

Love good old fashion snail mail! Just something warm and fuzzy about checking the mail and seeing a letter there awaiting you.
Books! Love them! And yes i have a pile just like this on my book shelf.

Flowers! Brightens up anyones day! Brings a smile to peoples faces. And plus they are just an amazing creation.

Balloons... love them at the moment! Seriously how much fun does that look!

Packages, the same as snail mail, knowing that someone has put the time and effort into putting the package together, another warm and fuzzy moment.

Nature, It's amazing, words can not describe how perfect and magical nature is. Who ever created it, is one amazing beyond words.

Bubbles, well now their just fun!

"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain!"
Would love to try this one day, it looks amazing! An awesome talent!