What makes up me? Here are a few things...
~Books: I love to curl up and read a good book, it's relaxing and in a way it's like your escaping life, escaping the real world for one where anything can happen.
~Lip Smackers: These used to be 'hip & cool' when i was back in school, lately i have started to use then again, and i am now addicted to them. They are awesome!!! I love two flavors Raspberry and Vanilla.
~Iphone: I don't know what i would do with out it. I'll my phone, ipod, organizer, journal, camera, entertainer all in one. It goes everywhere i go, it even has a pass code on there so that no unwanted people can gain access to it.
~Camera: I love old style cameras and i love photography. For my 18th birthday present my Dad gave me his old film SLR camera, its over 40 years old and still in perfect working condition. One day i will purchase a digital SLR camera.
~Journal Writing: I love to sit down and write in my journal. It's a good way to reflect and review one's life, to kinda step outside one's life and consider things that need to be improved upon. A way to solve problems, to get a different point of review of things. It if also a good way to keep a physical record of memories.
~Balloons: I'm a kid at heart. Balloons are fun and will make anyone smile if give a bunch.
~Ipod: My ipod travels every where with me, weather that is my actual ipod or the ipod on my iphone. The point being is that i never go anywhere with out music. Music keeps me sane in a way, when i am stressed out or upset or worried, music will calm me. When ever i listen to a song i listen to the lyrics, i like songs that have lyrics that actually mean something.
~Polaroid Photos: Over the 6 months I have grown a big interest for polaroid pictures. I have a program on my phone that turns my photos into Polaroids, one day i hope to have a real polaroid camera, until then my iphone will do just fine.
~Kittens and Puppies: They are cute and innocent and affectionate. People say your either a cat or a dog person, well I'm both!
~Bubbles: As I said before I am a child at heart. I love simple things, they make me happy, another one of those simple things are bubbles. They are fun and they also have a calming effect on you. They are also pretty, with many bright colors when in the right light.
~Skydiving: Been twice now, and will do it again when the opportunity arises. The thing i love most about skydiving is the adrenaline rush, being reminded how amazing life is and to live each moment to the highest potential.
~Sparklers: Yet again another simple thing that makes happy. Their fun to play with and pretty just to stare at. And again, simple but yet guaranteed to put a smile on my face :)
~Vanilla: My favorite! I love the smell of vanilla scented things!!
~Black and White Photography: If i had to choice color or black and white photos, i would pick B&W any time. Don't miss understand me to say that i don't like color, i most certainly do. It's just that from my view of things i see more 'depth' in B&W photography.
~Rain: Dancing in the rain, listening to rain fall on a metal roof, watching the rain fall again the window, the smell of rain, kissing in the rain. I love it all!
~Tornadoes, thunder and lighting: Mother nature never fails to amaze me. Tornadoes... they are full of destruction, but to me something in them is amazing and beautiful. My dream job would be to become a tornado chaser! I also love to listen and watch thunder and lightening storms. Lightening, i also find beautiful.
~Sudoku: It works the brain. It keeps the brain ticking. I also find it fun and relaxing. I thank my sister for introducing me to Sudoku.
~Road Trips: Give me a car, a map, good music and company, and I'm happy. Road trips are awesome. You get to know the person that you are road tripping with, you get to have laughs with that person. Discover new places and things.
~Bonfires: Warm, relaxing, fun. What better way to spend a evening the sitting around a nice warm bonfire with friends, enjoying good conversations, laughter, songs, roasted marshmallows. Good evening for all.
~Footprints on the sand: I love going on walks and hikes weather that be in the forest or on the beach or down the street. To make any of those walks or hikes perfect is to have my best friend right along side me, enjoying each others conversations.
~Hammock: Always have wanted a hammock, and i will get one, when i have somewhere to hang on that is. They are just so relaxing, and to curl up in one on a nice sunny day reading a good book would be perfect.
~Mac Apple: I am a Mac girl through and through! I have a mac laptop, iphone and ipod. And you know what they say... "Once you go Mac.... you'll never go back" ;)
~Little Miss Giggles: When i get into silly moods, i sometimes get into giggling fits, small things will set me off or just random things, but once i start, well there is no stopping me :)
~Cold Rock Ice-Cream: The most yummiest thing on earth, on so maybe not the 'most' but certainly up there with the best! I can't wait til they bring it to Hobart! Hopefully that will be soon, but only time will tell.
~Piano: I enjoy having a bit of a play on the piano, I'm only average piano player, nothing special, but i love to listen to people play the piano. I love listening the them show their hard work and talent.
There are a few things about me, I enjoy the simple things in life. They make me happy, they make me smile. The most important thing in my life though is my family, i hold them in my heart every day of my life. There are only a couple of other people that i let close to my heart and i keep them close as they have earned my trust, and continue to prove themselves as my friend.
1 comment:
Ok forgot to take the books to church with me on sunday to give to your brother so i am coming down to Hobart for the day this saturday and will give them to Chelsea to give to you sunday... by the way i love you with both straight and curly hair... gorgeous..
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