Thank you for FINALLY clearing up, it's so good to be able to breathe out my nose again and not having to blow it ever 5 seconds :)
Dear Tissues,
I LOVE you silky aloe large n' think tissues, your life savers! To all you other tissues... i HATE you :) you made my nose go all red and sore!
Dear Ear Ache,
PLEASE GO AWAY! Just when i was getting better and my first day back at work you had to come for a visit... NOT NICE!
Dear Lisa and MJ,
Thank for visiting me while i was sick and making me SMILE!
Dear Day time TV,
I really dislike you! I was so BORED while i was sick, ur meant to entertain me!
Dear Weather,
Please be NICE & WARM for this weekend :)
Dear Moving boxes,
Can you just relocate and unpack yourselves? PLEASE
Dear Jeff and Motorbike,
I'm feeling like some SPEED this weekend :)
Dear Weekend,
YAY! your nearly here!!